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Google & YouTube — A Marriage Made in Video Heaven? October 12, 2006

Posted by Geri in Entertainment, General, Google, In The News, Internet, social networking, Uncategorized, Video Sharing, YouTube.
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The two young men who launched YouTube just over a year ago are no doubt dancing in the streets.  There’s nothing like a $1.65 billion dollar deal to get your heart beating just a little bit faster.  Google’s all stock purchase of the wildly successful video site is a headline to the competition that it is in the game of video sharing in earnest and it’s in to win.  In question at the moment is how to position those advertising dollars without risking a backlash due to some questionable content on YouTube.

Google will also have to deal with the possibility of lawsuits engendered by allegations of copyright infringement.  As a start up, YouTube was a far less enticing target, but with Google’s deep pockets new lawsuits just might start springing up.

Whatever wrinkles need ironing out, the powers that be at Google seem to have an unerring eye when it comes to rounding out it’s online services while generating significant income to fund it’s growth.

For those of us in the real estate industry, YouTube might provide a viable option for online video presentations.