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Writely — You Bet It Is! September 23, 2006

Posted by Geri in General, Technology, Uncategorized, Word Processing.
An avid reader of industry blogs, I came across a great find last night on Jim Cronin’s always well thought out RealEstateTomato.  In what may be the death knell for Bill Gates’ Microsoft Word or at least a major threat to his monopolization of word processing, Writely, a newer tentacle in Google’s far reaching universe will no doubt be a major player.
With an intuitive interface and capabilities far outstripping those currently available from it’s competition, Writely offers its users an option of collaborating on a document online in real time by merely inviting others to join.  This could be a powerful tool for group projects.  For the bloggers out there, imagine the ease of creating an article and with a simple click, click it appears on your blog. Because files can be stored online you can access them from anywhere, that alone makes for ease of operation.  Start a project on one computer, finish it on another.  An additional and clever option is the ability to save your documents in a variety of formats, giving you much more control over the process.  I could go on and on about my budding love affair with this technology, but this is one you’re going to have to try for yourself.  If I were you I’d go right over to Writely and sign yourself up. 
An admitted technophile, I found myself blogging about this late into the night on ActiveRain and sharing it with my fellow CyberStars®.  So Jim if you’re out there I suspect my gratitude for finding this little gem will be ongoing.  You definitely have me as a devoted reader.