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The Numbers Are Staggering November 19, 2006

Posted by Geri in Lifestyles, Long Island, New York, Real Estate, The Hamptons.
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So you think of yourself as a multimillion dollar producer and you advertise it on your business cards and in your marketing pieces.  Harald Grant, a real estate agent in the Hamptons, a mecca for the rich and famous on Long Island’s east end, redefines the concept, having sold just shy of $245 million last year.  Of course, with a number of waterfront sales in excess of $20 million each the task is easier than it might be somewhere in middle America, but one has to give him credit for staying at the top of his game.  An early decision to get into real estate to supplement his income was, in retrospect, a monumental turning point in an already successful young life.

These staggering numbers made him number one in a list of 200 top agents in the nation.